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Master Culture et communication – Projects in international and european cultural engineering (PIECE)

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Master Culture et communication – Projects in international and european cultural engineering (PIECE)

Un master dispensé en langue anglaise sélectionné pour le projet ISITE BFC (Initiative-Science-Innovation-Territoire-Economie Bourgogne Franche-Comté).

The ‘Projects in International and European Cultural Engineering’ (PIECE) master’s degree opens in September 2019.
It is a two-year course to train French and foreign students and professionals in the fundamentals of managing projects and entities in the domains of culture and heritage. It uses innovative teaching methods based on the principles of collaborative intelligence, professional and international immersion and an understanding of technological innovation and scientific research. Mixed teams of teaching/ research staff from multiple departments and research centres together with professionals working in regional and local cultural entities will come together to transfer the skills essential to responding to international calls-for-tender in the field of culture (e.g. Creative Europe). They will supervise students in developing actual projects proposed by the organisations in Bourgogne-France-Comté.
Research seminars on the latest issues in culture and science will provide the basis for this reverse teaching, enabling students to constantly test out the theoretical knowledge they have acquired against the realities of the professional world. One of the objectives of the course is to pass on the fundamentals of interculturality by means of academic lessons and multicultural communication work as well as by immersion in foreign cultures through collaborative work. This means the second semester will be spent serving internships in universities and cultural entities abroad. At the beginning of the second year, the projects are to be presented to European officials in Brussels.

Téléchargez le dossier de candidature à retourner au plus tard le 21 juin 2019 (cachet de la poste faisant foi) à : Département Institut Denis Diderot – Scolarité Master 1 PIECE – 36 rue Chabot-Charny 21000 DIJON


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